Making use of TraceTogether app for SafeEntry to check in faster

This post is to help share the latest update in TraceTogether app which has the SafeEntry feature built in. This helps to speed up the time taken to scan the QR code before we enter a shopping mall or shops while we are out during this COVID-19 period. Most of us used to scan the SafeEntry QR code via a QR reader or mobile phone...
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Hedwig [LEGO 75979] building experience

Happy Boy has surprised Curious Girl with a lego set on one of her favourite characters from the Harry Potter series! That is the dear old owl, Hedwig (🦉: hoot hoot~). Hedwig was Harry's close companion since Year 1 of Hogwarts and her snowy white feathers made her stood out amongst all the other magical pets in Hogwarts. She was also a...
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SSB - GX20080E - August 2020 issue

August's 2020 SSB issue detailsIssue Code: GX20080EKey DatesApplication period1 July 2020 - Opens 6pm27 July 2020 - Closes 9pmResults: 28 July 2020 - After 3pmIssue date: 3 August  2020Maturity date: 1 August 2030Invest S$ 1000 for this month's issue, and you will receive S$ 95 in interest if you hold the bond till maturity in 2030. That’s an effective return per year of 0.93...
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